Judith Jane Leidl, M.F.A.

Judith Leidl received both her BFA and MFA from NSCAD University where she was awarded scholarships for both academic and artistic excellence. Since then, her art work has been featured in over ninety prominent group and solo exhibitions worldwide. Judith has also received numerous awards for her art work.


Judith Leidl has taught printmaking at NSCAD and Nunavut Arctic College, Baffin Island. Judith has also worked for several years at the world renowned Uqqurmiut Centre for Arts and Crafts in Pangnirtung, Baffin Island as Artistic Advisor to the Pangnirtung Community Print Collection. She has also been a faculty member at Acadia University, Studio Art, since 1998, teaching drawing, painting as well as mixed media. Judith Leidl’s art work is included in many private and public collections nationally and internationally. Last year, Judith was an artist-in-residence in Vallauris, the south of France where she near the end of her residency exhibited a series of art works that reflected her experience living and working in Vallauris. She recently returned from a research visit Amsterdam where she created a series entitled “The Amsterdam Drawings”. As well, Judith collaborated with Acadia University School of Nutrition to install a collection of paintings within the newly renovated Huggins Science Hall. That included the acquisition of eleven art works with five on loan.


Thematically, my paintings range from still life, seascapes and landscapes

to dreamscapes. Recently, in my artistic practice, I have been exploring figurative as well as work including portraiture.  The focus has been on the power of the narrative in visual art.

My interest and affinity for design is reflected in my art work. I am drawn

to textures and patterns with more intense, luminous and layered colours   The art work is based in representation though contains a strong abstract element.

I feel that this duality contributes to its unique substance, texture and dimension.


All images, art work and designs are, Copyright: Judith Jane Leidl